Song Lyrics with Bad Subject-Verb Agreement

Song Lyrics with Bad Subject-Verb Agreement: How It Affects Your Song`s Message

As a professional, I`ve come across many song lyrics that fall short in terms of subject-verb agreement. In songwriting, it`s important to pay attention not just to the melody and lyrics but also to the grammar and syntax. This is because bad grammar can affect the message your song is trying to convey to your audience.

Subject-verb agreement is one of the fundamental aspects of grammar. It refers to the usage of subject and verb that match in number and person. Singular subjects must have singular verbs, while plural subjects must have plural verbs. For instance, “I am” is correct, while “I is” is incorrect.

Unfortunately, many songwriters tend to overlook this aspect of grammar, resulting in incorrect subject-verb agreement in their song lyrics. Here are some examples:

1. “She don`t know what she means to me.”

The correct sentence should be “She doesn`t know what she means to me.” The word “don`t” is a contraction of “do not,” which is incorrect when used with a singular subject like “she.” The correct contraction should be “doesn`t,” which is short for “does not.”

2. “We was dancing in the moonlight.”

The correct sentence should be “We were dancing in the moonlight.” The word “was” is incorrect when used with a plural subject like “we.” The correct verb should be “were,” which is the plural form of the verb “to be.”

3. “There`s no need to worry about nobody.”

The correct sentence should be “There`s no need to worry about anybody.” The word “nobody” is a negative pronoun that means “no person.” It should not be used with “no” or “not.” The correct word to use in this context is “anybody,” which means “any person.”

These are just a few examples of song lyrics that have bad subject-verb agreement. While they may seem minor, they can affect the overall message of the song. Incorrect grammar can make the song`s lyrics confusing or unclear, which can disrupt the audience`s understanding of the song.

Moreover, bad grammar in song lyrics can also affect how your audience perceives you as a songwriter. Good grammar is often associated with professionalism, intelligence, and credibility. On the other hand, bad grammar can make you seem careless or uneducated, which can negatively affect your image as an artist.

In conclusion, as a songwriter, it`s important to pay attention not just to the melody and lyrics but also to the grammar and syntax of your song. Bad subject-verb agreement can affect the message your song is trying to convey and can also affect how your audience perceives you as an artist. So, before releasing a song or submitting it for publication, make sure to have it proofread by a professional copy editor to ensure that the grammar and syntax are correct.

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